I really liked Jurassic World: Dominion! Maybe the first two Jurassic World movies gradually melted my brain, but I enjoyed myself more in this one more than either of the other two films. The dinosaurs were decent looking, but more importantly, much more imposing, without resorting to another ridiculous hybrid. The Therizinosaurus in particular was fantastic, and the Atrociraptors, while unfortunately unfeathered, felt absolutely brutal. Honestly, my biggest complaint is that they missed they perfect moment to make a joke about how Dimetrodon is not a dinosaur.
If Dominion has you pining for more classic Jurassic Park content, though, check out some of my previous reviews of JP related stuff at Dino Dad Reviews.
Monopoly: Jurassic Park Edition manages to be something more than the stereotypical "Something-opoly" lazy monopoly tie-in. It introduces some interesting spins on the classic rules that make good use of its JP theme, and makes it perhaps more entertaining than the typical rules as well.
Despite not including any scenes from Dominion, Jurassic World: The Ultimate Pop-Up Book lives up to the "ultimate" in its name in every other way. Author Matthew Reinhart is a master craftsman of pop-up books, and he puts just as much effort into his craft here as he did in his other prehistoric-themed pop-up books, Encyclopedia Prehistorica: Dinosaurs, Sharks and Other Sea Monsters, and "Mega Beasts", all of which I also have, though I have not had the chance to review "Mega Beasts" yet.
I would be remiss not to mention that many people have compared certain scenes in Dominion to similar scenes in AppleTV's Prehistoric Planet, so definitely give that a look as well! It's probably the single best dinosaur documentary ever made, thus far.